Monday, October 26, 2009
Father and Son bonding
You will find this email and the previous two on the South Wales Baptists Blog
Have a look and join in the conversations on this blog!
By the way, the dart was so good this weekend he’s decided that Kayaking really is fun so I’m sorry but we are praying for rain this half term week so we can get on another river!
Rest in Him (19th Oct)
first weekly email 12th Oct
I have had in mind for quite some time to email all of you as ministers within the association on a regular basis, say every Monday morning, simply to encourage you in what the Lord has called you to. It is after all an easy way to communicate quickly in the world we now live in. Paul tells us to make the most of every opportunity (Eph 5:16). And there are many opportunities. What about taking opportunities to help one another? As disciples of Christ we are ever learning from his word, by his Spirit and from each other.
I wonder if we can commit ourselves to taking the opportunity to sharpen one another (Prov 27:17). For encouragement, challenge and enabling each other. This can be done in twos and threes, in small groups, using our monthly ministers gatherings, then there are the bigger gatherings like Mainstream and the Ministers Conference. Andy and I are currently running missional roadshows focusing on change and transition. Tonight at 7pm we are at Jerusalem Pentrebach, tomorrow Ebbw Bridge. There are many opportunities to develop our gifts and understanding of what the Lord has called us to.
Perhaps begin by giving another minister a ring today and plan to meet up!